Commonly Asked Questions, Tips & Resources
Check In & Check Out
When can I check-in or check-out? Appointments are scheduled between you and West Shore Apartments at a time convenient for you for both check-in and check-out. You can move in on or after the lease start date detailed in your lease. You will need to be be completely moved out of the apartment by the date and time detailed on your lease. We will provide you with more information prior to your check-in & check-out to assist you.
Rent Questions
When are payments for my lease due? This information is detailed in your lease, on either the 1st or 15th of each month. Note: Our system only posts rent charges on the 1st of the month, even if your rent is due on the 15th. Rent payments are due based upon your lease.
How will I know what to pay and when it’s due? Our online Tenant portal is available 24/7. Payments are due within 5 days of the due date. The online tenant portal allows one time payments or you can set up monthly auto-payments for your convenience.
Will I get my security deposit back? We have every intention of returning your security deposit in full. To help ensure this happens, we provide each tenant with tips and guidance staring with check-in and further information 1 month in advance of the end of your lease. If the apartment is clean without any damages you will get your deposit back.
When will I get my security deposit back? Security Deposits are returned after check-out via check to the mailing address provided at check-out. Please see your lease for more details.
Saving Water & Water-Related Repairs
Please let the office know if you hear or see a leak or drip so it can be repaired. Pay attention to faucet leaks and running toilets.
Trash & Recycling
What is recyclable in Tompkins County? Click on the Recycling link above for details. City of Ithaca* Trash Tags (currently yellow) can be purchased at various locations:
Campus Store, Cornell University Campus
Jason’s Deli, 301 College Avenue
Tops, 2300 N. Triphammer Road
Wegmans, 500 S. Meadow Street
*Lake properties are located in the Town of Ithaca where Casella Tags are used (green and yellow striped tags).
NYSEG (New York State Electric & Gas)
Need help with Electric & Gas?
Reading your Electric/Gas Bill from NYSEG
NYSEG bills are not always a true reading of your actual usage, therefore the billed amount varies based upon more than just your usage.
Refer to page 2 of your bill. The “Current Meter Read” may have an “E” next to the reading which means NYSEG has estimated your bill for the month. This means your current month MAY BE higher or lower than the actual bill and it will be adjusted the following month. An actual reading will show an “A” next to the reading.
Estimated bills can be alarming if the amount is different than your normal bill.
Questions? Call NYSEG 800-572-1111 or the West Shore Apartments office 607-273-7368 for more information.
Tip: Reduce Your Electric Bill
Set computers and monitors to sleep if they will not be used after 5-15 minutes. Shutdown and turn off computers when they are not used for an extended time because they draw power even when asleep.
Worried about a natural gas leak? Contact the West Shore Apartments office via phone for assistance 24 hours a day. We will work with the Fire Department and/or NYSEG to resolve any issues.
The Heating Season
Living in upstate NY during the early fall and spring means you will experience what we refer to as the “swing season.” Some days are warm, while others are cool, but it is not winter yet. Some people still want air conditioning or their windows open, while others want heat.
Heat is available starting in mid-September, however, the heat won’t always come on unless conditions are met causing the heat to turn on. (i.e. the temperature outside going below certain temperatures and staying there long enough for the sensors to impact the system.)
During the heating season (mid-September - May) please keep your windows closed, otherwise it will prevent the system from working properly.
In buildings where we provide heat, there are sensors. If the external temperature stays cool outside enough (for long enough), the sensors will indicate a need for heat and it will come on automatically (i.e. you do not need to do anything for this system to function as intended).
Tenants with their own thermostat can adjust their thermostat at any time according to preference. Thermostats below 70 degrees will save you money; however, you must have your heat at 55 degrees during the heating season (October - May) to prevent pipes from freezing.
It is important to remove AC units from the windows at the beginning of the heating system.
TCAT, Inc (Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc.) is a not-for-profit corporation that provides public transportation for Tompkins County New York. With TCAT, it is easy and convenient to travel around Ithaca by using your student ID card. Click the icon above to find out how.